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How 2 Companies Are Thriving with OmniERP CRM

Discover how two businesses are thriving with OmniERP CRM by enhancing operational efficiency and customer satisfaction. Learn the benefits of integrating ERP and CRM for business growth and success.

Transforming Business Operations with OmniERP CRM: 2 Companies Share Their Insights

Rapid changes in the economy, society, and the business world have companies constantly rethinking and optimising every aspect of their operations, including customer relationship management (CRM). Forward-thinking businesses are redefining their strategies, finding new ways to engage, sell, and support customers as situations evolve. 

In order to understand this change better, we had candid conversations with leaders from three dynamic companies to learn how they are using OmniERP CRM to thrive, not just survive.

Financial Advisory Firm Transforms Prospecting, Gains Unprecedented Clarity, and Fosters a Culture of Retention

Imagine being a part of Horizon Financial Partners, a mid-sized financial advisory firm in the Midwest, right when the pandemic hit. As people were confined to their homes, they had more time to think deeply about their financial futures. COO Mark Reynolds shared how this unexpected shift led to a surge in referrals and a significant increase in inbound calls.

With OmniERP CRM already in place, Horizon seized the opportunity. In an industry where relationships are crucial, they used the CRM to capture detailed information about each prospect and client—their background, interests, and even hobbies. It’s more than just data; it’s a wealth of insights that advisers can use to build meaningful relationships and understand each client’s unique needs.

Every Thursday, without fail, the entire company receives an email listing all the prospect meetings scheduled for the coming week. This isn’t just a routine task—it’s a chance for collaboration. Advisers can jump in, share insights, and offer tips if they recognize a prospect on someone else’s calendar. Additionally, the day before a meeting, advisers receive a summary of everything Horizon knows about the prospect, ensuring they are fully prepared.

What’s noteworthy, as Reynolds points out, is how OmniERP CRM has introduced a level of standardization that’s quite uncommon in this industry. It serves as a central, reliable source of truth, transforming how advisers prospect and connect. And that’s just the beginning.

For current clients, the system tracks every trade meticulously. After a client meeting, advisers are prompted to log trades, and daily reports from their financial custodian are seamlessly integrated into OmniERP, assigning trades to the appropriate clients. A quick search can provide a comprehensive overview of a client’s activities, giving advisers a clear picture of what’s happening in their portfolios.

Reynolds appreciates how OmniERP enables Horizon to tap into the power of its integrated database with ease. The speed and reliability are game-changers, especially when managing thousands of client accounts.

But it’s not just about data and efficiency. The leadership team uses these insights to identify patterns in client interactions and correlate them with satisfaction levels. They discovered that when meetings are scheduled 30 days or more in advance, clients tend to be more satisfied. Why? Because it gives everyone ample time to prepare, reducing stress and increasing the value of each interaction.

This rich information also supports career development. When newer advisers seek advice on how to succeed, leaders can point directly to the habits of top performers. It’s not just theoretical—it’s actionable, data-backed guidance on what works.

And for those who continue to build their careers at Horizon, OmniERP CRM acts as a reliable partner. Advisers receive regular updates reminding them of past meetings—those important moments that might need a follow-up. It’s a subtle prompt that says, “Don’t forget to reconnect,” because in this business, if it’s not in OmniERP, it might as well have never happened.

Switching gears to the manufacturing sector, consider Delta Manufacturing, a company known for its precision equipment. Delta faced the challenge of managing complex operations while maintaining strong customer relationships. OmniERP CRM became a vital tool for them, helping to streamline processes and boost overall efficiency.

Delta Manufacturing: Enhancing Efficiency and Customer Satisfaction

Delta Manufacturing, a leader in precision equipment production, needed a way to optimize operations and improve customer service. With a diverse product range and a large customer base, they sought a system that could seamlessly integrate across all departments. OmniERP CRM provided a comprehensive solution, uniting sales, production, and customer service on a single platform.

Before adopting OmniERP CRM, Delta struggled with disjointed systems that hindered communication and slowed decision-making. Sales reps often had to navigate multiple databases to find product availability or order status, causing delays and frustration among customers. OmniERP CRM resolved this by integrating inventory management directly into the CRM system, granting the sales team real-time access to product information. Now, they can promptly answer customer inquiries about stock levels or delivery times without any hassle.

This integration has greatly reduced response times and improved the accuracy of information provided to customers, leading to higher satisfaction levels. Customers appreciate receiving immediate, reliable updates, which has helped Delta strengthen relationships and build loyalty.

On the production front, OmniERP CRM has streamlined operations by giving managers a clear view of the entire manufacturing process. With automated workflows and real-time data, they can quickly spot potential issues and make adjustments before they escalate. This proactive approach has minimized downtime and increased efficiency, enabling Delta to consistently meet delivery deadlines.

The customer service team has also benefited from OmniERP CRM. With a unified system, they have access to complete customer profiles, including purchase history, preferences, and past interactions. This comprehensive view allows them to offer personalized support, anticipate customer needs, and resolve issues more effectively. As a result, Delta has seen an improvement in customer satisfaction and retention rates.

OmniERP CRM’s analytics tools have empowered Delta’s sales and management teams to make data-driven decisions. By analyzing sales trends and customer behavior, they can identify new opportunities and tailor their strategies to meet market demands. This has not only helped increase sales but also optimized inventory management, ensuring that the right products are available when customers need them.

For Delta Manufacturing, implementing OmniERP CRM has been transformative. It has brought all aspects of their business—from production to customer service—into a single, cohesive system. This integration has improved operational efficiency, enhanced customer experience, and provided valuable insights that drive growth. With OmniERP CRM, Delta is better positioned to navigate the complexities of the manufacturing industry and continue delivering exceptional value to their customers.

Thus, by bringing all business functions together on one platform, companies such as Horizon Financial Partners and Delta Manufacturing have changed their operations and enhanced customer interactions. With OmniERP CRM, it’s evident that businesses can make better choices, react quickly to customer demands, and succeed in their fields.


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